Training Program

At Down To Earth…

We truly believe in the power of authenticity, social justice, collaboration and relationship.

We strive to bring these values to our work with clients, families, and communities, as well as with our Down To Earth therapist family including students in training.

We strive to make systemic changes to the world beyond the therapy room and beyond the lives of our individual clients.  In particular, we strive to work towards racial and social justice.

As Therapists and Supervisors at Down To Earth…

We believe the world needs more realness.  This means the therapist-client and supervisor-student relationships are REAL relationships.
We believe in co-creation and collaboration.  This means we aim to co-create therapy with clients, and co-create supervision with students.  We believe in an equal relationship rather than a top-down relationship.  We also understand that we hold power as a therapist or supervisor.
We believe in the unique power of relational and family therapy.  Even though it is often messier than individual therapy, it is often much richer to involve parents, partners, friends, siblings and other relationships in therapy.

We seek therapists in training who…

  • Have a natural authenticity
  • Value connection and relationships
  • Want a therapy family and community
  • Want to grow and evolve themselves personally as well as professionally
  • Want a collaborative relationship with a supervisor
  • Have a strong commitment to racial and social justice (or at least a willingness to develop it)
  • Are lifelong learners as we all aim to be
  • Are Systemic thinkers and bring this to their work
  • Want to work with clients across the lifespan (including children and teens)
  • Want to work with families and couples
  • Want to work with a variety of clients from a diversity of backgrounds (including socioeconomic, religious, racial/ethnic, etc)
  • Want to learn from a variety of therapeutic approaches and models
  • Are willing to be challenged and take feedback in order to grow
  • Have innovative ideas, creativity, and unique life experiences
  • Are able to learn and keep on top of paperwork
  • Are able to learn and manage unique aspects of private practice including taking payments and discussing billing with clients

Questions or to apply to be an intern at Down to Earth

Send your resume and cover letter to our Training Coordinator, Leah McEllistrem at

We accept applications beginning in December and start interviews in early January for fall start applicants.