Natalie Renschen

Masters Level Intern


Grand Ave Location

Natalie is a master’s level clinical intern who embodies candor, warmth, playfulness and presence in her work. One of her priorities is creating a space where clients feel safe, connected, and open as they process life’s ebbs and flows. Working from a relational and systemic lens, Natalie is committed to prioritizing your lived experience and exploring what sociocultural factors play a part in your journey.

Natalie is eager to work with families, couples, adults, adolescents, and children. With a deep interest in experiential and somatic therapies, she believes in the power of attuning to ourselves and others on an emotional and physiological level. She understands that we are all biopsychosocial beings who are doing the best we can with what we have.

As a former elementary educator, Natalie is well-versed in partnering with families, building strong relationships and working holistically to help children thrive. In addition to her experience as an educator, she is trained in Brainspotting level 1. During her personal time, Natalie fills her cup by being outside (preferably near a body of water), cooking while listening to one of her curated playlists, spending time with loved ones, and running.

Contact Natalie